Course Curriculum

This is a self-directed, self-paced course that looks at the roots of prejudice. Review the lessons below.

  • 1


    • Understanding the Roots of Prejudice

    • The Importance of Understanding What Prevents Peace

    • Why Are They Always Picking on Us?

    • Q&A

    • Course Materials

    • Course Description

  • 2

    Lesson 1 — Book

    • What is Prejudice?

    • Discovery 1

    • The 4 Stages of Learning

    • Discovery 2

    • Chapter 1 — Where Prejudice Began

    • Discovery 3

    • Discovery 4

    • What Does it Mean to Survive?

    • Growth: A New Threat to Survival

    • Discovery 5

    • Discovery 6

    • The Birth of Prejudice

    • A World Without Prejudice

    • The Human Rainbow

    • Discovery 7

    • Discovery 8

    • Chapter 2 — What We're Taught to Believe

    • Discovery 9

    • Discovery 10

    • What Does It Mean to Be Different?

    • Chapter 3 — Our Mechanical Brains

    • Discovery 11

    • Personal Review — Lesson 1

  • 3

    Lesson 2 — Book

    • How Do We Become Prejudiced?

    • Chapter 4 — When We're Asleep, We Can't See

    • Discovery 12

    • The Effect of Brainwashing

    • Discovery 13

    • Become Aware of Our Prejudiced Thinking

    • Discovery 14

    • Band-Aids and Revolving Doors

    • Chapter 5 — The Bells & Knots of Conditioning

    • Discovery 15

    • Fear Makes Negative Images Stick

    • Discovery 16

    • The Prejudice Knot

    • Chapter 6 — Elements of Knotted Thinking

    • Discovery 17 — Let's Reflect

    • Our Ancestors Are Us

    • Discovery 18

    • Personal Review — Lesson 2

  • 4

    Lesson 3 — Book

    • What are the Effects of Your Prejudice?

    • Chapter 7 — The Conditioned Mind is a Dangerous Mind

    • How Far Have We Come?

    • Discovery 19

    • What Prejudice Has Created

    • Discovery 20

    • Chapter 8 — The Problem With Perfection

    • Discovery 22

    • Our Robotic Nature

    • Discovery 23

    • Personal Review — Lesson 3

  • 5

    Lesson 4 — Book

    • Can We Get Free of Our Prejudice?

    • Chapter 10 — Taking Time to Stop

    • Discovery 24

    • 2 Ways to Get Free of Prejudice

    • Discovery 25

    • Taking Responsibility

    • Discovery 26

    • Choosing Responsibility Over Blame

    • Discovery 27

    • Chapter 11 — Prejudice is a Decision

    • Discovery 28

    • Chapter 12 — Thinking In New Ways

    • Discovery 29 — Let's Reflect

    • Conditioning in Global Proportions

    • Discovery 30

    • A Checklist to Avoid Prejudice

    • Personal Review — Lesson 4

  • 6

    Lesson 5 — The Art of Teaching, Part 1

    • The Art of Teaching

    • Reflections on Teaching

    • Working with the Present Moment

    • Being Childlike

    • The Arts of Questioning Intelligently

    • Proprioception of Thought

    • The Art of Dialogue

    • What Are the Guidelines of Dialogue?

    • Socratic Questioning

    • Response vs Reaction

    • Personal Review — Lesson 5

  • 7

    Lesson 6 — The Art of Teaching, Part 2

    • The Art of Teaching

    • The Art of Learning

    • Preparing the Students

    • Role-Play

    • Getting Students to Open Up

    • Learning the Difference Between Fact or Fiction

    • Developing a Beginner's Mind

    • Stories, Examples & Helpful Hints

    • Why Use It?

    • Personal Review — Lesson 6

  • 8

    Lesson 7 — Curriculum

    • Introduction

    • Some Helpful Teaching Units

  • 9

    Lesson 8 — Curriculum Lesson 1

    • Introduction

    • Where Did Prejudice Begin?

    • The Roots of Prejudice

    • What Does it Mean to Survive?

    • A New Threat to Survival

    • The Four Stages of Learning

    • Tool 1A: Activity

    • Tool 1B: Activity

    • Tool 1C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 11

  • 10

    Lesson 9 — Curriculum Lesson 2

    • What We're Taught to Believe

    • The Highest Level of Understanding

    • What Does "Prejudice" Mean?

    • What Does It Mean to Be Different?

    • Tool 2A: Game

    • Tool 2B: Roleplay

    • Tool 2C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 12

  • 11

    Lesson 10 — Curriculum Lesson 3

    • Our Mechanical Brain

    • Do We Protect, or Do We Learn?

    • We All Have a Mechanical Brain

    • Scientific Mode for Understanding

    • Tool 3A: Activity

    • Tool 3B: Activity

    • Tool 3C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 13

  • 12

    Lesson 11 - Curriculum Lesson 4

    • The Prejudice Within

    • Prejudice Begins Inside Us

    • Prejudice Inside Us Creates Conflict

    • Conflict Within Us Becomes Conflict Outside Us

    • Tool 4A: Activity

    • Tool 4B: Activity

    • Tool 4C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 14

  • 13

    Lesson 12 — Curriculum Lesson 5

    • When We're Asleep We Can't See

    • Hypnosis: The Power of Suggestion

    • A Time to Wake Up

    • Becoming Aware of Our Prejudiced Thinking

    • The Ten Mental Steps to War

    • Tool 5A: Activity

    • Tool 5B: Activity

    • Tool 5C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 15

  • 14

    Lesson 13 — Curriculum Lesson 6

    • The Bells & Knots of Conditioning

    • The "Fight or Flight" Response

    • Pavlov's Dogs

    • Skinner's Lesson

    • The Prejudice Knot

    • Tool 6A: Roleplay

    • Tool 6B: Activity

    • Tool 6C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 16

  • 15

    Lesson 14 — Curriculum Lesson 7

    • Elements of Knot-Like Thinking

    • The Wiring In Our Brain

    • 7 Elements of Knot-Like Thinking

    • Conditioning vs. Education

    • Tool 7A: Activity

    • Tool 7B: Activity

    • Tool 7C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 17

  • 16

    Lesson 15 — Curriculum Lesson 8

    • Concepts That Numb the Brain

    • How Far Have We Come?

    • The Words We Use

    • Words Reveal Our Prejudices

    • Tool 8A: Activity

    • Tool 8B: Activity

    • Tool 8C: Game

    • Personal Review — Lesson 18

  • 17

    Lesson 16 — Curriculum Lesson 9

    • Generalizations Are Misleading

    • Words Become Attitudes

    • Lazy Thinking Creates Prejudice

    • The Shadows That Follow Us

    • Tool 9A: Game

    • Tool 9B: Activity

    • Tool 9C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 19

  • 18

    Lesson 17 — Curriculum 10

    • Prejudice at Its Worst

    • Racism

    • Genocide

    • What Prejudice Has Created

    • Tool 10A: Activity

    • Tool 10B: Activity

    • Tool 10C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 20

  • 19

    Lesson 18 — Curriculum Lesson 11

    • The Problem with Perfection

    • Striving for an Ideal

    • Survival of the Fittest

    • More Effects of Prejudice

    • Tool 11A: Activity

    • Tool 11B: Activity

    • Tool 11C: Role-Play

    • Personal Review — Lesson 21

  • 20

    Lesson 19 — Curriculum 12

    • Preventing Peace

    • The Problem with Trying to Be Peaceful

    • Eliminating What Prevents Peace

    • Tool 12A: Activity

    • Tool 12B: Activity

    • Tool 12C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 22

  • 21

    Lesson 20 — Curriculum Lesson 13

    • The Anatomy of Respect

    • Creating a Peaceful Human

    • Language & Training

    • The Intelligent Being Lives!

    • Personal Review — Lesson 23

  • 22

    Lesson 21 — Curriculum Lesson 14

    • The Art of Insight

    • Inner Imaging

    • X-Raying Our Perspective

    • Taking Responsibility

    • Tool 14A: Activity

    • Tool 14B: Activity

    • Tool 14C: Roleplay

    • Personal Review — Lesson 24

  • 23

    Lesson 22 — Curriculum Lesson 15

    • Prejudice Is an Automatic Reaction

    • Not Something We're Born With

    • Looking At Our Automatic Reactions

    • Three Steps to New Actions

    • Tool 15A: Activity

    • Tool 15B: Activity

    • Tool 15C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 25

  • 24

    Lesson 23 — Curriculum 16

    • Thinking In New Ways

    • A Right-Side-Up World

    • Pulling Out the Roots of Prejudice

    • Tale of the Cave

    • Tool 16A: Activity

    • Tool 16B: Activity

    • Tool 16C: Story

    • Personal Review — Lesson 26

  • 25

    Lesson 24 - Curriculum Lesson 17

    • Perception is Everything

    • Creating Our Own Right-Side-Up World

    • The Concept of "Stop! Think!"

    • The Path of Peace

    • Tool 17A: Activity

    • Tool 17B: Game

    • Tool 17C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 27

  • 26

    Lesson 25 — Curriculum Lesson 18

    • Rights & Responsibilities

    • What Are Our Rights?

    • What Are Our Responsibilities?

    • A Checklist to Avoid Prejudice

    • Tool 18A: Activity

    • Tool 18B: Activity

    • Tool 18C: Game

    • Personal Review — Lesson 28

  • 27

    Lesson 26 — Curriculum Lesson 19

    • Seeing the Big Picture

    • Recognizing Fear

    • It All Starts With a Thought

    • The Essence of Democracy

    • Tool 19A: Game

    • Tool 19B: Activity

    • Tool 19C: Activity

    • Personal Review — Lesson 29

  • 28

    Lesson 27 — Curriculum 20

    • The Discoveries We've Made

    • Find Out for Yourself What's True

    • Without Prejudiced People There Can Be No Prejudice

    • Personal Review — Lesson 30

  • 29

    Lesson 28 — Curriculum Lesson 21

    • Summary

    • Where To Use The Program

    • Final Assignment

  • 30

    Lesson 29 — Workbook

    • Introduction

  • 31

    Lesson 30 — Workbook

    • What is Prejudice?

    • What I'm Taught to Believe

    • I Have a Mechanical Brain

    • When We're Asleep We Can't See

    • The Bells & Knots of Conditioning

    • Elements of Knot-Like Thinking

    • Concepts That Numb the Brain

    • More Brain-Numbing Concepts

    • The Anatomy of Prejudice

    • Personal Review — Lesson 8

  • 32

    Chapter 31 — Workbook

    • Introduction

    • Thinking in New Ways

    • The Path to Conflict

    • The Path to Peace

    • Healthy Thinking

    • Learning to Recognize Our Fear

    • Global Conditioning

    • Our Rights and Responsibilities

    • Checklist to Avoid Prejudice

    • Workbook Evaluation Form

    • Evaluation for Parents

    • Personal Review — Lesson 9